Tags school


Is our destiny to be dominated by the robots? (Part II)

31 July

Let’s resume our dissertation re. the School of the Future. It is, therefore, essential that the School’s world keeps on questioning itself,  and monitor closely these phenomena.   In closing, I would like to...

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How should we design the School of the Future? (Part I)

26 February

As some Anglo-Saxons people are used to say, it's difficult to make predictions, especially about the future. In the case of the School, I do feel particularly uncomfortable, as I am not a specialist...

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Are We Getting Ready For The New Industrial Revolution? Part IV

19 September

  This is concluding my series of posts on the topic of re-industrialization.   In November 2012, Carlos Ghosn, President of Renault Group, and better known as the "cost-killer", announced that he would have...

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